The 7 Planes of Existence | A Deep Dive

Unveil the mysteries of the 7 Planes of Existence. Learn about each plane's significance for personal and spiritual evolution.

The Planes of Existence represents one of the most fascinating and profound aspects of metaphysical thought across numerous spiritual traditions worldwide. These planes offer a framework for understanding the diversity of the universe beyond the tangible, physical world we inhabit. 

From the dense physical matter to the ethereal realms of pure consciousness, the notion of multiple planes suggests a universe rich with unseen forces, entities, and possibilities!

The aim of this article is to embark on a comprehensive journey through the seven planes of existence as commonly delineated in the various esoteric teachings. Through this exploration, we’ll gain a deeper understanding of the multi-dimensional nature of reality and discuss the profound implications these concepts have for our consciousness, our spiritual practices, and our quest for meaning in the vast cosmos.

Tree of Life Symbolism and Sacred Geometry
Tree of Life

Historical Background

The idea of multiple planes suggests a universe far more complex than the physical reality we perceive with our senses. The historical roots of this concept stretch back to ancient times, manifesting in diverse cultures and evolving through centuries of mystical thought:

  • Vedas and Upanishads: In Hinduism, ancient texts such as the Vedas and Upanishads introduce the concept of multiple lokas (worlds). These texts describe a universe comprised of several realms, including physical, astral, and causal worlds, each hosting various beings and levels of consciousness.

  • Platonism: The Greek philosopher Plato, in his theory of Forms, proposed that beyond our physical world lies a realm of perfect, eternal, and unchangeable ideas. This realm, accessible through philosophical contemplation and the mind’s eye, hints at a layered reality where the physical world is but a shadow of a more profound, immaterial world.

  • Kabbalah: Jewish mystical tradition, or Kabbalah, presents the concept of the Tree of Life, comprising ten emanations through which the Infinite manifests creation.

  • Buddhism: The Buddhist cosmology introduces a multi-layered universe with various planes of existence, including physical realms, heavens, hells, and states of pure form and formlessness. 

  • Gnosticism: Gnosticism, with its emphasis on esoteric knowledge and the transcendence of the spirit, posits a distinction between the physical world of matter, seen as a place of illusion and suffering, and the higher spiritual realms of true divine existence.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Theosophical Society, founded by Helena Blavatsky, synthesized and expanded upon these ancient teachings, presenting a detailed framework of the seven planes of existence. This framework integrated Eastern and Western esoteric traditions, providing a comprehensive model of the universe.

The 7 Planes of Existence

The 7 planes of existence are not isolated realms but are deeply interconnected, each influencing and interpenetrating the others. Let’s explore each deeply:

Baga Gazariin Chulu walk, Mongolia

1. Physical Plane

The Physical Plane is the foundational layer of existence, characterized by its tangible, solid nature and governed by the laws of physics. It’s the realm where we experience life through our five senses, interacting with a diverse array of matter and energy, from the microcosm of particles to the vastness of galaxies. It operates under natural laws such as gravity, electromagnetism, and thermodynamics, making it the domain of empirical study and scientific inquiry.

From a scientific perspective, the physical plane is the focus of rigorous investigation and rational understanding. Science seeks to decode the principles that underpin the material world, leading to advancements in technology, medicine, and our comprehension of the cosmos. This approach treats the physical realm as a closed system where matter and energy transform but are never lost, all governed by physical laws.

In contrast, spiritual traditions view the physical plane as merely the beginning of a much grander journey of consciousness. While it acknowledges the physical realm’s significance, spirituality points to its ephemeral nature and the reality of more profound, unseen dimensions. Here, the physical world is seen as a stage for growth, learning, and the soul’s evolution, offering opportunities to manifest spiritual principles in tangible forms and engage with the divine materially.

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2. Astral Plane

The Astral Plane is a realm of existence that is immediately above the Physical Plane, distinguished by its ethereal, fluid nature. This plane is not bound by the physical laws of time and space, making it far more malleable and subject to the influences of thoughts, emotions, and desires. It’s a world rich in color and energy, inhabited by a vast array of entities, including spirits of the deceased, astral beings, angels, and thought forms created by the collective consciousness of humanity.

Astral projection is a concept that describes the conscious experience of the astral body, or consciousness, separating from the physical body to explore the Astral Plane or other realms of existence. This phenomenon is often associated with near-death experiences, meditative states, or induced through specific practices. It allows one to perceive and interact with the astral realm directly, gaining insights, spiritual growth, and understanding that transcend physical limitations. Based on personal experience, I can at least attest to this.

Afterlife beliefs are deeply connected to the nature of the Astral Plane, with many spiritual traditions positing that the soul travels to or through this plane after physical death. The specifics of this journey can vary significantly across cultures, but the Astral Plane is commonly seen as a stage in the soul’s journey where it undergoes purification, reflection, and preparation for further spiritual evolution. Some beliefs hold that the soul may reside in the Astral Plane for a period before reincarnating, moving on to higher planes, or achieving liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

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3. Mental Plane

The Mental Plane stands as a domain of existence focused on the higher faculties of consciousness. It’s characterized by clarity, order, and the manifestation of ideas into tangible forms. This plane is the realm where thoughts are not abstract concepts but living entities, possessing form and substance, and where the collective mind’s creative and destructive power is fully realized.

In this realm, thought is the primary currency and creator, shaping reality in ways that are immediate and profound. The Mental Plane is inhabited by entities that personify higher thought forms, including beings of pure intellect and the archetypal ideas that underpin human understanding and the universe’s structure. These inhabitants can offer wisdom, helping to refine the intellect and elevate consciousness.

Here, the creative process is understood not just as the generation of new ideas but as the ability to manifest these ideas in the world. Artists, thinkers, and innovators often tap into this plane, consciously or unconsciously, drawing inspiration that can lead to significant breakthroughs. The Mental Plane is where concepts and beliefs take shape, influencing the physical and astral realms through the power of intention and visualization.

The connection between the Mental Plane and the physical world is especially significant in how beliefs shape individual and collective reality. The understanding that “thoughts create reality” finds its most direct expression here. Mastery of the mind’s potential leads to the ability to manifest desired outcomes in the material world and navigate the higher planes of existence with clearer purpose.

Five Cosmic Buddha Mandala

4. Buddhic Plane

The Buddhic Plane is where intuition, compassion, and an overarching sense of spiritual unity prevail. It represents a significant leap in consciousness, moving beyond the separateness and duality inherent in lower planes to embrace a state of oneness with all existence. This plane is named after the Buddha nature, which embodies the potential for enlightenment present within all beings. It’s a realm where the soul experiences direct, unmediated knowledge and a profound connection to all life, characterized by unconditional love and compassion.

Intuition on the Buddhic Plane is a direct, immediate understanding of truth without the need for intellectual reasoning. This higher form of intuition offers clear insight into the nature of reality, guiding the soul towards wisdom and away from the illusions that bind it to suffering. Compassion, too, is elevated to its purest form, arising naturally from the recognition of the interconnectedness of all beings. In this state, helping others is not seen as a moral duty but as an inherent necessity, akin to assisting another aspect of oneself.

The concept of spiritual unity is fundamental to the Buddhic Plane. Here, individual consciousness begins to merge with universal consciousness, experiencing firsthand the underlying unity that connects all forms of life. This realization dissolves the boundaries of ego, leading to a profound sense of peace. Such unity is experiential, felt deeply within the soul’s essence.

It is here that individuals undergo a fundamental transformation, realizing their true nature and the illusory aspects of personal identity and material attachment. This awakening is often described as a return to one’s original state of being, free from the constraints of conditioned existence. It marks the beginning of a life lived in harmony with the highest spiritual truths, guided by wisdom, love, and a deep commitment to the well-being of all.

Our thoughts are like ripples of the water

5. Atmic Plane

The Atmic Plane represents a realm of pure spiritual consciousness, where the essence of the soul and its true self are fully realized. This plane transcends the personal and collective dimensions of existence encountered in the lower planes, guiding the soul towards an understanding of its indivisible connection with the Source of all creation. It is here that the individual soul recognizes its oneness with the universal soul (Brahman).

At this level of existence, the distinctions that separate the individual from the cosmic consciousness begin to dissolve, revealing the inherent unity of all life. The Atmic Plane is characterized by a direct, intuitive knowledge of the soul’s divine nature and its eternal, unchanging essence. This understanding transcends intellectual comprehension, arising from deep within the core of being, where the soul is in constant communion with the divine.

The connection to cosmic consciousness on the Atmic Plane offers access to universal knowledge, a state of awareness where the mysteries of existence become known. It’s a realm where the soul’s past, present, and future merge into a timeless now, providing insight into the laws of the universe and the underlying principles that govern the evolution of consciousness. This plane serves as a bridge to even higher levels of spiritual realization, where the soul prepares to merge back into the Absolute from which it originated.

Understanding the soul’s essence on the Atmic Plane involves recognizing the impermanence of the physical and astral forms and the limitations of the mental constructs that define individual identity. This realization brings a liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, as the soul acknowledges its eternal nature and its part in the cosmic dance of creation.

Reiki, the universal life force energy

6. Monadic Plane

The Monadic Plane is the exalted realm of the monad, the essential spark of divine consciousness that resides at the core of every being. This plane represents the penultimate stage of spiritual evolution before the soul’s eventual reintegration with the Source, the ultimate ground of all existence. The monad is understood as the purest essence of the individual, a point of pure light and consciousness, undivided and eternal, reflecting the absolute unity from which all diversity emerges.

The recognition of the monad as the true self marks a profound deepening of the soul’s understanding of its origin and destiny. It is here that the journey of the soul, through countless lifetimes and across various planes of existence, is seen in its full context: a process of evolution and refinement aimed at returning to the Source.

The journey of the soul on the Monadic Plane involves the gradual shedding of all that is transient and illusory, a purification process that reveals the soul’s undying nature and its oneness with all existence. This journey is characterized by an ever-deepening communion with the divine, where the boundaries between the self and the infinite blur and eventually disappear. The soul’s individual will aligns perfectly with the divine will, and its actions become expressions of divine love and wisdom.

The process of returning to the Source, as experienced on the Monadic Plane, is not a loss of individuality but a fulfillment of the soul’s highest potential. It is the realization that true freedom and joy lie in the surrender to the divine, in the recognition that all separation is an illusion, and that love is the fundamental force that binds the universe together. This return is not an end but a new beginning, a conscious participation in the ongoing creation and evolution of the cosmos.

Brahmacharya Benefits

7. Adi Plane

The Adi Plane represents the zenith of spiritual evolution, the plane of pure spiritual consciousness and the highest state of existence. It is here that the distinctions between the soul and the Source, the individual and the universal, are finally and fully dissolved. The Adi Plane is synonymous with the Absolute or the Ultimate Reality, a state of being that transcends all concepts, forms, and definitions. It is the foundation of all existence, the unmanifested, infinite, and eternal ground from which all manifestations arise and to which they return.

In this realm, consciousness is not individualized but is the singular, all-encompassing essence that permeates every aspect of the cosmos. The Adi Plane embodies the principle of oneness that underlies and unites all planes of existence, the ultimate truth that all spiritual traditions strive to understand and articulate. This plane is beyond experience as we understand it because it transcends the duality of subject and object, experiencer and experienced.

It challenges and expands our understanding of existence, urging us to look beyond the limitations of the material world and even the highest spiritual attainments to recognize a reality that is beyond being and non-being. The Absolute is not a distant or separate entity but the very essence of our being, the core of our existence.

Realization of the Adi Plane represents the culmination of the spiritual journey, a state of enlightenment where the illusions of separation and distinction fall away, revealing the eternal unity of all things. It is a return to the source, not as an escape from the world but as a profound engagement with it from a place of deep understanding. In this state, the enlightened being sees the divine in everything and acts in the world with unconditional love.

Interconnections Between Planes

The interconnections between the planes are fundamental to the structure of the universe and the journey of consciousness through it. The physical plane, being the most dense, is influenced by the subtler energies and laws of the higher planes. For instance, the emotional and mental patterns that exist on the astral and mental planes manifest in the physical realm as behaviors, relationships, and life circumstances. Similarly, the higher spiritual insights and understandings from the buddhic, atmic, and even monadic planes filter down to inform and elevate the human experience, guiding us toward greater awareness.

Each plane serves a specific purpose in the soul’s development, providing unique lessons and opportunities for growth. As the soul evolves, it becomes increasingly aware of the interconnectedness of all planes, recognizing that changes on one level can significantly impact the others. This understanding fosters a holistic approach to spiritual growth, where development on one plane is seen as part of a greater process of universal evolution.

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Transitioning Between Planes

Transitions between planes occur both during a lifetime and across lifetimes, facilitated by the soul’s intention, karma, and evolutionary needs. These transitions can be gradual, as part of the soul’s natural progression, or sudden, spurred by profound spiritual experiences or deep inner work.

Several practices and experiences can facilitate awareness or travel between planes, including:

  • Meditation: Deep meditative states can temporarily lift the practitioner to higher planes of existence. Meditation serves as a bridge to higher consciousness, helping to thin the veil between the physical and the subtler planes.

  • Astral Projection: Through astral projection and sometimes lucid dreaming, we can explore the astral plane with awareness. This practice allows for direct interaction with the astral environment and its inhabitants.

  • Near-Death Experiences (NDEs): NDEs often involve experiences of traveling through different planes of existence, providing individuals with glimpses of the afterlife and the higher spiritual realms. I highly recommend watching Netflix’s Surviving Death for more information on this.

  • Inner Shamanic Journey: Various spiritual traditions use rituals and ceremonies to facilitate connections with higher (or lower) planes. These practices often involve invoking higher energies, entering altered states of consciousness, and making offerings to bridge the physical and spiritual worlds.



We Free Spirits brush stroke

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