10 Easy Ways to Meditate While Traveling | Mindful Travel

Keeping up with your meditation practice can be difficult when you're traveling. Learn 10 easy tips and tricks to meditate while on the go in this article!

Traveling can be thrilling, but let’s be honest, it can also throw our routines into chaos, including our meditation practice. I know this first-hand. The excitement of new places, the rush to catch flights or trains, the time zone changes – it’s easy to lose that precious ‘me-time’.

But what if I told you that you could keep your meditation routine going strong, even while on the move? It’s quite possible and with a bit of adaptability and creativity, you can easily find moments of tranquility no matter where you are.

In this post, I’ll share 10 simple but effective ways that have helped me maintain my meditation practice while traveling mindfully. This isn’t just another list of tips – it’s a collection of personal experiences and lessons learned on the road.

10 Easy Ways to Meditate While Traveling

1. Walking Meditation

One of my go-to techniques when I’m traveling is walking meditation. It’s a beautiful way to combine the thrill of exploring new environments with the mindfulness of meditation.

If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, walking meditation is just as it sounds: you meditate while walking. It’s about being fully present and aware of your body and surroundings as you move. It’s a practice steeped in Buddhist tradition, but anyone can incorporate it into their day. Since you’re always on the move while traveling, it’s really easy to implement!

Take a quiet stroll around a local park, beach, or even around your hotel area. Focus on the rhythm of your steps, the sensation of your feet touching the ground, the sounds around you. It’s all about acknowledging and experiencing the present moment fully.

It doesn’t matter if your walk is short or long; the beauty of walking meditation is its flexibility. So why not turn your exploration of a new city into a meditative experience? Not only will you get to discover new places, but you’ll be keeping up with your meditation routine too. It’s a win-win!

Yoga Nidra, sleep yoga promotes rest and relaxation

2. Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is another excellent meditation practice that you can easily incorporate into your travel routine. You might think that from the word “yoga” that you would be moving your body, this isn’t that kind of yoga, but this powerful technique actually requires you not to move at all! 

It helps bring about deep relaxation and mindfulness that can be particularly helpful for combatting travel fatigue or jet lag. 

There’s a lot of science involved in it and this is something that I actually do every day even while traveling.

In Yoga Nidra, you lie down and let your body completely relax while remaining fully conscious. A guided Yoga Nidra session will lead you through a series of mental images and sensations, helping your mind to unwind and your body to find rest.

What makes Yoga Nidra an excellent travel companion is its accessibility. 

All you need is a quiet space where you can lie down undisturbed for the duration of the session.  Meaning, this could be easily done in your hotel room as you wind down for the day. 

Let Yoga Nidra rejuvenate your mind and body as you get ready for the next day.

And the best part? There are many free Yoga Nidra sessions available online, just search it up on YouTube and find one that resonates with you!

3. Mindful Eating

Travel presents an excellent opportunity to practice mindful eating. Trying new cuisines and dishes is an integral part of the travel experience, and by bringing mindfulness into the mix, you can elevate these moments into meditative ones.

Mindful eating involves fully focusing on the experience of eating and drinking, both inside and outside the body. You watch the colors, textures, and patterns of your food; you smell its aroma, feel its texture, taste its flavors. 

You eat slowly and savor each bite, appreciating the nourishment the food provides.

Time to point your phone away and just focus on what’s in front of you, you’ll find just how delicious food can be without all the distractions.

It’s a fantastic way to fully appreciate and connect with the local culture through its cuisine.

Forest bathing in Japan, an easy way to meditate while traveling

4. Forest Bathing (Shinrin Yoku)

If your travels take you to nature-filled destinations, forest bathing can be a remarkable method to engage in meditation while also soaking up the splendors of the natural world. 

Here in Japan, we have, “Shinrin Yoku,” which translates to “forest bathing,” sometimes we also use the term “forest therapy” because that’s exactly what it is, you let the forest heal you as you walk though paths meant to induce a state of relaxation.

This isn’t about hiking or jogging. It’s about being in nature, connecting with it through our senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. 

By doing so, we bridge the gap between us and the natural world, which can be deeply healing and calming.

Studies have shown that forest bathing can lower heart rate, blood pressure, reduce stress hormone production, boost mood, and improve overall feelings of wellbeing.

Simply find a serene spot among trees, leave behind other distractions, and allow the sounds, scents, and sights of the forest to guide you into a deep state of relaxation and mindful presence. 

Consider it a nature-infused meditation session, and let the forest recharge your mind, body, and spirit.

5. Metta Bhavana (Loving-Kindness) Meditation

For those times when your travels may be challenging or emotionally taxing, Metta Bhavana, or loving-kindness meditation, can be an incredibly beneficial practice to bring you back to a state of calmness and positivity. 

This type of meditation hails from the Buddhist tradition, aiming to cultivate an attitude of boundless, warm-hearted love and kindness towards all beings, including oneself.

In practice, you start by focusing on yourself, silently reciting phrases like “May I be safe. May I be healthy. May I be happy. 

May I live with ease.” You then gradually extend this sentiment to a loved one, a neutral person, a difficult person, and eventually to all sentient beings. 

The specific phrases can be adjusted according to your comfort. 

Many times we encounter people we might not get along with or people that may have accosted us (I’m looking at you, Egypt), it’s easy enough to spoil our trip but taking the time to just breath and try to extend kindness to everyone, even strangers, can be a powerful transformative experience.

By cultivating an expansive heart and mind, you may find that your travels take on a deeper, more connected meaning, transforming your journey into one that radiates loving-kindness every step of the way.

How to Meditate while Traveling

6. Take a Deep Breath

Sometimes, all it takes is one conscious breath to bring us back to the present moment and away from the whirl of thoughts and stressors that often arise during travel. This technique is simple, unassuming, and incredibly powerful, especially when you’re on the go.

In essence, it’s a mini-meditation that can be done at any time, in any place. 

As you take a deep, slow breath in, you bring your full attention to the sensation of the air entering your body, filling your lungs, and the subtle pause that exists before you exhale. 

As you breathe out, maintain that attention as the air leaves your body, noting the ensuing sense of release. This single, mindful breath can be a grounding anchor amidst the chaos.

Whether you’re in a bustling airport, on a crowded bus, or navigating a new city, the act of taking one conscious breath can instantly bring you back to a state of calm awareness. 

It’s a reminder that no matter where you are or what you’re doing, you always have the ability to tap into the peace and tranquility that resides within you.

Watching the sunset in Hustai National Park
Watching the sunset in Hustai National Park

7. Sun Gazing Meditation

I’m sure you’ve experienced how peaceful the mind can be while staring at the sunset. All of your focus dedicated to appreciating the radiance of our magnificent star.

Sun Gazing involving gazing at the rising or setting sun. It is thought to be a way to tap into the healing power of the sun and draw in its energy, while also cultivating gratitude for the life-giving force it represents.

The ideal times to perform Sun Gazing are during the first hour after sunrise or the last hour before sunset, as the sun’s rays are not too intense during these periods. 

It goes without saying, avoid staring directly at the sun outside of the recommended times, as it can cause damage to the eyes.

While gazing at the sun, focus your attention on the feelings of warmth and light entering your body, and let it fill you with a sense of peace and vitality. 

I find that chasing sunrises or sunsets go hand-in-hand with traveling so it’s really easy to do once you find the opportune time.

How to be Mindful while Traveling

8. Breath Awareness

This one is a bit different from “One Conscious Breath.” Simply put, are you aware that you are breathing right now? 

For a lot of people, it’s just something automatic, something we take for granted. Breath is everything, breath is life. 

Being able to bring your awareness back to your breath can be a very calming anchor. I mean, this is the very essence of meditation is it not? 

We don’t have to be seated down on a mat to be able to be able to do this. 

Inhale and exhale. 

It might seem too simple, but it’s the perfect practice for those idle moments during your journey.

Waiting for a flight, standing in line, or even in the middle of a busy street, you can discreetly turn your attention to your breathing. 

It’s a portable relaxation tool that requires no equipment. Remember, wherever you are, your breath is right there with you!

9. Guided Meditation

When you’re not in the comfort of your own meditation space and feeling a bit adrift, guided meditations can be a lifesaver. These meditations, led by a narrator or music, can help focus your mind and guide your thoughts towards a state of relaxation and mindfulness. 

There are numerous apps and websites offering free and paid guided meditations covering a range of topics from stress relief to sleep aids. 

So, no matter where you find yourself on your travels, you can simply plug in your headphones and let the calming voices and soothing sounds guide you to peace. 

It’s like having a personal meditation guide in your pocket, ready when you need it. 

Don’t forget to download a few before your trip, just in case you end up somewhere without a reliable internet connection!

Om, the seed mantra, a sacred syllable
Om, the seed mantra, a sacred syllable

10. Mantra Meditation

My final tip is Mantra Meditation, an ancient practice that involves repeating a word or a phrase, known as a mantra, to calm your mind and balance your chakras

This type of meditation is particularly useful for traveling because you can do it anywhere and anytime. You don’t even need to say it out loud, simply thinking or listening to it can work just as well! 

It’s also a great way to turn your trip into something much more spiritual.

A mantra could be as simple as “breathe in, breathe out,” or it could be a sacred phrase in Sanskrit like “Om Mani Padme Hum” or even simply “Om.” 

The goal is to focus on the mantra and let its rhythm and sound drown out the noise and chaos that often accompany travel. 

Personally, I found Sanskrit mantras to be the most effective for me and they’re the ones that I always use whenever I travel. You can even use mudras to further amplify your practice.

If you’re curious, here are 5 Buddhist and Hindu mantras that might resonate with you.



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Hi, I’m Brandon

A conscious globe-trotter and an avid dreamer, I created this blog to inspire you to walk the Earth.

Through tales of travel, cultural appreciation, and spiritual insights, let’s dive into the Human Experience.




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