How to Learn Reiki at Home (Get an Attunement on a Budget)

Discover an accessible and affordable way to learn Reiki at the comfort of your home. Learn how to get a Reiki attunement to get started on your Reiki journey!

I believe that learning Reiki should be something that’s easily accessible for everyone. Reiki, a powerful energy healing practice originating from Japan, has played a significant role in my personal growth. Over the course of more than two years of dedicated practice (even while I’m traveling) I have experienced transformative benefits that have shaped who I am today.

I first encountered Reiki through my good friend Frida from Mexico (we’ve been on tons of adventures ever since she couchsurfed with me in Japan; from BaliGili T, and the Philippines!)

During that time, she gave me and another Couchsurfer staying with us numerous Reiki sessions. At another time, I also hosted a Filipino couple from Las Vegas, one of them was a Reiki Master. I think if it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t even have entertained the idea of learning Reiki but here I am now at Reiki Level III (or Reiki Master according to others.)

In this article, I want to share with you the essence of Reiki – its principles, its sacred symbols, and their profound meanings. But more importantly, I want you to know that Reiki is accessible to everyone, and you don’t need any special abilities to learn or benefit from it. I want to show you how you too can embark on this incredible journey of healing and discovery without breaking the bank.

Reiki, the universal life force energy

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energetic healing practice that offers a pathway to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Originating in Japan, Reiki harnesses the universal life force energy to promote balance and harmony within the body.

But what does Reiki actually mean? The term “Reiki” combines two Japanese words: 霊 (Rei) and 気 (Ki).

“Rei” refers to the universal or spiritual aspect, while “Ki” represents the life force energy that flows through all living beings. Together, Reiki signifies the channeling of this divine energy for healing purposes.

At its core, Reiki operates on the understanding that our bodies are more than just the physical. They are also repositories of energy such as our chakras or the meridian system

This life force energy, known as “Ki” (or “Qi” in Chinese, the same one in Taichi and Qi Gong) flows through us, animating our existence. However, factors such as stress, illness (dis-ease as I’d like to call them), or emotional disturbances can disrupt this energy flow, leading to imbalances.

Reiki acts as a gentle yet powerful tool to restore this energy balance. It involves the practitioner laying their hands on or above the recipient’s body, allowing the healing energy to flow through them. In Reiki, we are never the healers, only conduits. The energy intuitively goes where it is needed most, dissolving blockages and replenishing the depleted areas. It is usually a deeply relaxing experience though in some cases emotions can be released which leads to a bit more intense session.

Do note that Reiki is a very subtle energy, some people may be more receptive to it while others may feel nothing at all. That doesn’t mean that it’s not there. In the same way that we are breathing in air right now without actually seeing it, Reiki is energy flows the same way.

What are the Benefits of Reiki?

Reduces stress, tension, and physical discomfort
Enhances mental clarity
Eases emotional distress, including anxiety and grief
Expands spiritual awareness and connection
Promotes deep relaxation and improves sleep quality
Promotes a sense of mindfulness
Balances emotions
Deepens intuition
Supports the body's natural healing processes
Fosters a sense of calmness
Increases compassion for self and others
Cultivates a sense of inner harmony
Boosts energy levels and vitality
Facilitates the release of negative thought patterns
Fosters a sense of overall well-being
Supports personal growth and transformation
A Zen-inspired photo of a lotus and the sun taken in Neak Pean, Cambodia

The 5 Reiki Principles

I personally use the Japanese version as it’s the one that resonates with me more but I’ll share the English one as well:

  1. Just for today, I will not be angry
    今日だけは怒るな  (kyou dake wa ikaruna)


    This principle encourages us to let go of anger and choose peace. By releasing anger, we can create a state of harmony within ourselves and our interactions with others. It reminds us to approach situations with patience, understanding, and forgiveness.

  2. Just for today, I will not worry
    心配すな (shinpai suna)


    The second principle emphasizes the detrimental effects of worry on our well-being. It invites us to cultivate trust in the present moment and surrender our worries to the higher power or universal energy. 

  3. Just for today, I will be grateful
    感謝をして (kansha o shite)


    The third principle encourages us to cultivate gratitude in our lives. By focusing on the blessings and positive aspects of our experiences, we shift our perspective and attract more abundance and positivity. 

  4. Just for today, I will do my work honestly
    業をはげめ (gyo o hageme)


    The fourth principle reminds us to be honest in our actions and dealings with ourselves and others. It emphasizes the importance of integrity, authenticity, and ethical behavior. By aligning our actions with truthfulness and sincerity, we cultivate a sense of self-worth and contribute to a harmonious environment.

  5. Just for today, I will be kind to every living being
    人に親切に (hito ni shinsetsu ni)


    The fifth principle encourages us to practice compassion, empathy, and kindness towards all beings. It reminds us of our interconnectedness and the importance of treating others with respect and love. By embodying kindness, we promote a positive ripple effect in the world.

Statue meditating while holding the Dhyana Mudra

What is Just for Today in Reiki?

As you may have noticed, the particular phrase “Just for today” used in each of the Reiki principles actually holds a special significance. It serves as a reminder to focus on the present moment and to embrace the power of now. 

By emphasizing “Just for today,” the principles invite us to bring our attention to the present day, rather than overwhelming ourselves with the past or future.

This phrase encourages us to approach the principles as daily affirmations. Instead of overwhelming ourselves with the idea of a long-term commitment, it reminds us to take it one day at a time, making a conscious effort each day to embody the principles in our thoughts and actions.

It empowers us to make a fresh start each day, renewing our commitment to personal growth. So don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t manage to meet one of the principles because tomorrow is another “today.”

By focusing on “Just for today,” we simplify our approach to life and allow ourselves to experience the transformative power of the Reiki principles on a day-to-day basis. It reminds us that each day is an opportunity for conscious living!

The Sacred Reiki Symbols

The Reiki symbols were originally kept secret, handed down only to initiated Reiki practitioners. However, with the advent of the internet, anyone with an interest in Reiki can easily see them. I personally believe that sharing them is for the highest good of the collective so here are some of the major Reiki symbols being used in the Usui tradition:

Cho Ku Rei Reiki Symbol

Cho Ku Rei

Cho Ku Rei is often referred to as the “Power Symbol” due to its ability to increase the energy and focus it with intention. 

When the symbol is activated or drawn, it acts as a switch that turns on the Reiki energy, allowing it to flow more strongly and be directed to specific areas or purposes. 

The primary purpose of Cho Ku Rei is to amplify the healing energy in a Reiki session. It can be used to empower the hands during hands-on healing, boost the effectiveness of distant healing, clear energy blockages, and provide overall energetic support. 

It’s quite versatile in that you can also use it to charge objects, spaces, or even your own intentions with Reiki energy.

Sei Hei Ki Reiki Symbol

Sei Hei Ki

It is commonly known as the “Emotional Healing Symbol.” 

Sei Hei Ki is primarily associated with emotional and mental healing. It is used to address and balance emotions, release emotional blockages, and promote inner harmony. The symbol works on a deep level, helping to bring emotional stability, healing, and transformation.

Sei Hei Ki is used to assist with emotional healing, trauma release, and resolving inner conflicts. It can be particularly helpful in dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, and past emotional wounds.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Reiki Symbol

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, known as the “Distance Healing Symbol,” enables Reiki energy to flow effortlessly across time and space, transcending any barriers and reaching its intended destination.

This symbol is particularly valuable for distant healing sessions, as it allows us to send Reiki to someone who is not physically present. It can also be used to send healing energy to past events, future situations, or even to connect with higher realms and guides.

Dai Ko Myo Reiki Symbol

Dai Ko Myo

Dai Ko Myo is a powerful symbol often referred to as the “Master Symbol” or “Great Enlightenment Symbol.” It is considered the most sacred and profound symbol in many Reiki lineages.

Its design symbolizes the infinite nature of universal energy and the interconnection of all things.

Dai Ko Myo represents the highest level of spiritual consciousness and enlightenment. It is associated with deep healing, spiritual growth, and the awakening of one’s true potential. The symbol embodies the divine light, infinite wisdom, and highest compassion of the Reiki energy.

What is a Reiki Attunement?

A Reiki attunement is a sacred ceremonial process conducted by a Reiki Master. It is an integral part of Reiki initiation. They say we all have the innate capacity to channel Reiki, in the same way our mothers used to make the pain go away when they give us a kiss.

An attunement simply connects us further to that energy, opening our energy fields to let Reiki flow more freely and letting us channel it better. 

Attunements are typically done in person, but distance attunements are also possible (it’s how I got mine, and I don’t think it makes a difference.)

Reiki attunements are typically given at different levels or degrees, such as Reiki Level 1, Level 2, and Master Level. Each level builds upon the previous one, deepening the your understanding and experience with Reiki.

How to learn Reiki at home and get an attunement

How to Learn Reiki at Home

Now that you have a much deeper understanding of Reiki, let’s talk about how you can actually start learning Reiki at the comfort of your own home.

This is basically exactly how I did it and it’s simply through a uDemy course by Lisa Powers. Now, I am in no way affiliated with uDemy nor with Lisa Powers, but it’s simply how I did it and how I found it to be very accessible and affordable. It’s actually a really popular course with more than 174,000 students and the reviews are very positive.

Lisa Powers is actually the Director of the International Reiki Organization, though I must admit I don’t know much about it. You can find her blog here if you want to get to know her more as she will be your teacher throughout the course.

I think that the course is perpetually on a 93% discount so it’s always at around 15 USD which is much more manageable than a full on Reiki school or classes.

Lisa Powers Reiki Course Review

I found the course to be really in-depth, it covers every almost every aspect of Reiki from its history, the principles, from the basics and advanced techniques.

It goes through each symbol comprehensively along with other relevant topics such as the chakra energy systems. It also supplements the learnings with additional reading materials and quizzes.

It teaches how to use Reiki on yourself and to others, how to do long-distance sessions, how to attune others, and how to meet your Reiki guides.

Most importantly, you can get a free Reiki attunement with the course for all three levels, along with certifications.

Overall, I found the course to be substantial but the only thing lacking was the human interaction as everything is pre-recorded. They more than make up for it through the Q&A section where you can ask anything and the community leaders will help you. I still recommend doing some additional reading, such as Diane Stein’s Essential Reiki.

I mostly did Reiki for myself (I have also tried it with friends and family. I’ve also done long-distance sessions and even an attunement!) and just knowing the basic hand positions was enough for me to get started. From there, the changes were subtle but looking back, I realize just how much it helped in letting go of the things that weren’t for my highest good and I hope it can do the same for you.



We Free Spirits brush stroke

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Hi, I’m Brandon

A conscious globe-trotter and an avid dreamer, I created this blog to inspire you to walk the Earth.

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