9 Amazing Benefits of Spiritual Travel You Should Know About

Spiritual travel is one of the most powerful ways to grow as a person. Discover these 9 surprising benefits of traveling with a spiritual intention.

Today I want to talk to you about a topic that is very close to my heart: spiritual travel. What is spiritual travel, you ask? Well, it’s not just about visiting sacred sites or doing yoga retreats (though those are amazing ways to go about it!) What it’s really about is finding a deeper connection with yourself and with the world around you through your journeys. You may have seen my articles on mindful travel, but spiritual travel has some subtle nuances that makes it uniquely its own thing.

Spiritual Travel Benefits

Why Spirituality and Travel Go Hand in Hand

Spirituality and travel go together so well because they both involve exploration, discovery, and transformation. 

I’m sure you have experienced how traveling can help you open your mind to new perspectives while challenging your assumptions about yourself and the world. And then we have spirituality, which is such a broad topic on its own but in essence it can help you find meaning and joy in your life.

When you combine the two, you get a powerful transformative experience that can enrich your soul and inspire you to grow as a person. From gaining insights on different cultures to learning more about yourself, when you travel spiritually, you can develop a deeper sense of gratitude and compassion not only for others but for the planet.

What's the Difference between Mindfulness and Spirituality

Well, they are very similar concepts, they have some subtle distinctions. 

Mindful travel or mindfulness in general is more focused on being attentive and conscious of your surroundings, your actions, your emotions, your thoughts. Being in the present and all that.

Spiritual travel or spirtuality in this case, is more about finding connection and transcendence with yourself and the universe. Mindful travel can be a part of spiritual travel (in fact mindfulness is an integral part of spiritual travel) but not all mindful travelers are necessarily spiritual travelers.

Spiritual travel may not exactly be a good fit for everyone. Some people may prefer to just travel for fun or relaxation. And that’s totally fine! There is no right or wrong way to travel as long as you enjoy it and respect others. But if you are looking for something more than just a vacation, something that can nourish your soul and transform your life, then spiritual travel may be for you.

Benefits of Spiritual Travel

1. Expansion of Awareness

Spiritual travel exposes you to different spiritual traditions, beliefs, and practices, which can expand your understanding and appreciation of the world’s diverse spiritual and cultural heritage. 

By visiting sacred sites, participating in religious ceremonies and rituals, and engaging with local communities, you can gain a deeper insight into the spiritual beliefs and practices of different cultures, which can help you develop a more open-minded and tolerant attitude towards others and most importantly, yourself. Through spiritual travel, we are more receptive to the different dimensions of life, especially the spiritual.

I felt this the first time I visited Peru, the energy of Machu Picchu, Pacha Mama and their shamans really left a mark on me. It showed me just how differently cultures can tackle the various aspects of life. For example, my friend Hannan told me that Peruvians believe that the departed family members are actually already living in the future not in the past, which is what we usually think of when someone passes away. That was mindblowing for me.

A woman on top of Khongoryn Els, mindful travel can simply be taking the time to appreciate your surroundings
Woman contemplating life, taken in the Khongoryn Els, Mongolia

2. Inner Peace

The daily demands of life can often lead to stress, anxiety, and a sense of overwhelm. Spiritual travel offers a chance to escape from these pressures to find a sense of calmness and tranquility. 

Many spiritual travel destinations are located in peaceful and serene environments, such as mountains, forests, or beaches. Immersing yourself in these peaceful environments can help you recharge your batteries, renew your spirit, and return home feeling more centered and grounded.

One of my favorite power places in the world is Mongolia, I have never felt the energy of a country more than Mother Mongolia’s. I went there hoping to see its nature but I ended up leaving reborn, spiritually charged beyond measure.

3. Self-discovery

The opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth is one of the best benefits of spiritual travel. The key here is setting an intention before you hit the road, are you going to your destination to have fun or are you searching for something deeper? Ask the universe to work with you and you’re more than likely to find that it’s quite cooperative!

Plus, stepping out of your comfort zone and embarking on a spiritual journey can help you explore new aspects of yourself, confront your fears and limitations, and gain a deeper understanding of your values and beliefs. 

By exposing yourself to the unfamiliar and engaging with different spiritual practices and traditions, you can gain a broader perspective on life and become more self-aware.

Spiritual travel can also help you confront and overcome personal challenges. Practices such as meditation, self-reflection, and introspection, can be easily done while you travel and they can help you gain insights into your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This can help you identify negative patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back, you can then develop strategies for personal growth. Now this is where I plug in mindful travel if you’re curious!

A Zen-inspired photo of a lotus and the sun taken in Neak Pean, Cambodia
A lotus blooming in the lake leading to Neak Pean Temple, Cambodia

4. Connection with the Nature

While traveling, we often visit natural wonders. Spiritual travel encourages us to really connect with these places, letting Mother Nature heal us naturally. Human beings and nature are one and the same, we are part of nature! 

In Japan, we have what we call “Shinrin-yoku” which translates to forest bathing and it’s an actual form of therapy here. Through our connection with nature, we can regain a newfound appreciation of the beauty in our life and in our world.

5. Cultural Immersion

We don’t realize but the person we are today is an accumulation of so many social and cultural influences that we have been exposed to throughout our lives. From the teachings of our parents, the religion of our country to the our cultural taditions, all of these contribute to how we think and feel and how we interact with the world around us.

Being able to fully immerse yourself in another country’s culture and spiritual traditions can be really mind-opening to the point that it might help you breakfree from a lot of the conditioning that have been instilled in you. It’s what I normally do when I travel and it’s enabled me to really have my own thoughts and opinions that aren’t based on external factors.

In other words, cultural immersion and spiritual travel can help us transcend our egos.

6. Healing

Spiritual travel can be very healing. For example, we can connect with the energy and power of sacred sites and spiritual traditions, which can help restore balance to our mind, body, and spirit. Whether it’s bathing in the Holy Spring of Tirta Empul or getting reiki at a retreat center, traveling is an opportunity to heal.

Even without the sacred places, just being on the road and moving from place to place, it allows us to let go of the things that hold us back, without looking back. 

In Peru, I did the Kuti Ceremony. It’s a spiritual cleansing ceremony that is practiced by Andean shamans. During the ceremony, they connect them with the spirit of Mother Earth (Pachamama) and the different elements of nature, in order to open and align the chakras. I was able to focus on what was bothering me and what I didn’t need in my life, and let go of that energy through concentration and intention. The Kuti Ceremony also helped me forgive myself and begin again with a pure spirit and a greater sense of harmony with everything around me.

Was that something I could have done alone without all the rituals and ceremonies? Probably so, but just really being in that moment, feeling the intention, the energy of working with others, it definitely made it more impactful and easier to let go of negativity.

Man praying on the top of Masada during sunrise. Judean Desert, Israel
Man praying on the top of Masada during sunrise. Judean Desert, Israel

7. Renewed Faith

Throughout life’s difficulties there are times when we lose faith. Whether it’s losing faith in a higher being, the universe, in humankind or in ourselves.

Spiritual travel can help restore that faith back, one of the prime examples for me was visiting the holy city of Jerusalem. Seeing just how the three Abrahamic religions, ChristianityIslam, and Judaism co-existed in one place was unbelievable for me at that time. All these pious people from all cultures and walks of life that were on a spiritual pilgrimage, seeing their devotion really made me reconsider what faith meant for me.

We also meet all sorts of characters throughout our travels, but sometimes we meet a really special person that can have a profound impact on our lives. That someone may be a helpful stranger or a friend on the road but some conversations can get so deep that it really changes your perspective on life.

8. Feeling of Oneness

The realization that all things are interdependent and interconnected is easily experienced when we travel spiritually. This feeling of “oneness” arises when we connect with something greater than ourselves, whether it’s a sacred site, a natural wonder, or a community of people.

Ever heard of the Butterfly Effect? The term “butterfly effect” comes from the idea that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in one part of the world can eventually cause a hurricane in another part of the world.

In simpler terms, the butterfly effect suggests that even small actions can have big consequences. For example, a decision you make today, no matter how small, can lead to a chain of events that may have a big impact on your life or the lives of others. 

Now think of just how much of an impact we have on a country from the moment we step foot in it, the places we go to, the people we interact with, the food we eat, the money we spend, it’s an irrevocable proof of your existence, your legacy, your connection to that place, and in turn, your connection to the universe.

It’s a deeply profound and humbling experience, as we realize our place in the grand scheme of things, and that we are all one.

9. Finding Your Purpose

Finally, when we travel spiritually, we may just end up finding our purpose in life. Though that sounds like such a grand goal, it definitely is possible. 

Though it will also be unfair to measure your journey if you were able to find your purpose or not, the spiritual path is a long one, because the spiritual path is pretty much your life itself. Traveling with a spiritual intention can help you find bits and pieces, give you clues, or simply push you in the right direction towards realizing your true purpose. I know it has for me.

Even if we can’t grasp our life’s purpose, traveling and spirituality can help us find much more meaning to it which could end up leading to self-actualization.



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Hi, I’m Brandon

A conscious globe-trotter and an avid dreamer, I created this blog to inspire you to walk the Earth.

Through tales of travel, cultural appreciation, and spiritual insights, let’s dive into the Human Experience.




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